Summer Gear Storage Tips For WinterOttawans all over town make the most of the short summer season, that includes breaking out the patio furniture, kayaks, canoes, motorcycles, boats, RVs and other toys. Unfortunately, when the short summers are over and the harsh winter comes (sometimes when it is only halfway through fall) these items can be damaged due to the weather conditions. Sometimes these items are built to withstand some of the abuse, but most of the time you are better off finding ways to protect them. You could buy covers which can be annoying to use and blow off in strong wind or use your own garage, but that may reduce the room you have to protect your car and it may already be crowded. So what are your options and preparations for storing summer items through the winter?
Ottawans all over town make the most of the short summer season, that includes breaking out the patio furniture, kayaks, canoes, motorcycles, boats, RVs and other toys. Unfortunately, when the short summers are over and the harsh winter comes (sometimes when it is only halfway through fall) these items can be damaged due to the weather conditions. Sometimes these items are built to withstand some of the abuse, but most of the time you are better off finding ways to protect them. You could buy covers which can be annoying to use and blow off in strong wind or use your own garage, but that may reduce the room you have to protect your car and it may already be crowded. So what are your options and preparations for storing summer items through the winter?