art packed away for storage

Tips For University Students – Self Storage Ottawa

As the spring semester begins, many incoming university students will settle into dorm rooms on campus and nearby apartments. As if it weren’t an anxious situation already, downsizing from their parent’s home into dorm living can be a difficult, stressful task. Self storage Ottawa is a perfect way to fit the big, bulky items that students just can’t live without. We’ve put together this handy list of tips for those of you looking to find the perfect self storage Ottawa unit.

beigeChoosing The Right Size

Depending on how much you’re trying to fit self storage Ottawa unit will depend on a few key factors. Are you using the extra space to move large belongings, and jsut need the extra square feet to fit it, or are you moving it in and using your unit as a neat study space? If you are new to the self storage Ottawa field, you may not have known about all the alternative uses for units, such as a quiet study space, an open art studio, or the perfect practice room for musicians and bands. With electricity, around the clock security, and heat control, there are plenty of reasons to take advantage of the space as your new comfy study rather than just a place to store boxes. So all in all, the size of your unit depends on how much space you’ll need for the activities you’ll be doing in there.

Clean and Label EverythingArchives_of_Art_storage

For those of you who are using self storage Ottawa simply as extra storage space and nothing more, this step is essential to making sure your belongings stay in good shape over time and are easy to find. Even if you’re not the most organized packer, labeling everything can be a huge help for later. Think about the last time you just knew  you had your favorite CD from the 90’s, but absolutely no idea where  exactly it was. Chances are you threw it in a box when you outgrew it, but wanted to have it for safe keeping. Labeling can save you that headache! As far as cleaning, it’s good to clean all of your items before bringing them into your self storage Ottawa unit so that when you take them out, you wont’ have any dusting off to do like you would in your attic. Also, if say you’re storing your microwave or fridge, you don’t want mold or bacteria growing while it rests safe and untouched in the unit.

Keep All Your Self Storage Ottawa Info Together

A note about organization – keep all the details together in a trusted place. Maybe even with mom and dad for safe keeping! It’s important not to lose the important documents you sign (like a contract or a lease) when renting the unit. And if you’re not the best with numbers, make sure to write down all the key codes you’ll need to get in next to your locker combination on the outside of the unit. Our tip? Keep all the information on our business card to have it in one spot.





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