Starting A Home Renovation? Take Advantage Of Storage In Ottawa!
It’s no secret that home renovations are messy and stressful!
Whether you are renovating your entire home or just a room or section, your life will certainly feel like it’s being turned upside down.
Taking advantage of storage in Ottawa can help relieve some stress and manage the home renovation in a more efficient manner.
Benefits Of Using Storage During A Home Renovation
Regardless of the size of the renovation, there are many benefits of using storage during a home renovation.
Protecting Your Belongings
Renovations make a mess no matter how hard you try to keep a space clean.
Between debris, dust, and paint splatter there is plenty of opportunity for your items to suffer some sort of damage. For instance, even when covered in plastic, dust particles or the smell of chemicals still have a way of settling into the fabric of furniture.
Moving your items offsite is the best way to keep them clean and free from any damage.
Security For Valuable Items
There are a lot of moving parts involved in a renovation.
Depending on the extent of your home renovation, you might have multiple contractors and crews coming in and out of your house at all times.
With all this movement, it can often be hard to keep track of where your items are, so using a storage unit to store your valuable items will give you extra security.
Throughout the whole home renovation process, you will be the only one with access to your items, which will make it easier for you to keep track of where things are.
More Space To Work In
Home renovations require a good amount of space for you or the crews to work in.
Furniture and other belongings get in the way of this, and thus are likely required to be moved away from the main work space anyway.
Using a storage space will allow you to avoid moving these items to another part of the house. If you were to move them to another part of the house, the space then becomes crowded and possibly unusable for the duration of the home renovation.
Resulting in you losing more space than necessary.
In the case that you are bringing in a contractor and his crew, their supplies and equipment also take up space. Providing extra space to work in will help them be able to do their job faster and more efficiently.
Prepare For Unexpected Changes
During a home renovation, plans can change fairly quickly.
A project that was only supposed to take a couple of weeks to complete, might end up taking months.
Even if you told yourself that moving things to another room was temporary, that might not be the case in the end. Give yourself the peace of mind by keeping your stuff in another place and worry less about having to live around your stuff in rooms you are not renovating.
Taking advantage of storage will help you focus on the project at hand.
Tips On Organizing Your Storage Space
Organizing the storage space you are using will help make the process of moving everything back much easier. Here are some tips for storage unit organization.
Sort Your Belongings Before Storage
It’s easy enough to throw everything into a box and move it into a storage unit and say that you’ll deal with it after the renovation. Before the renovation begins is the perfect time for you to sort through your belongings and get rid of anything that you don’t want or need.
Start by sorting them into these 3 categories;
- To Keep: any items that you often use or that you want to stay with you after the renovation is complete.
- To Donate: any items that you do not want to keep, but are still in good condition and can be brought to a donation centre
- To Throw Away: any items that you do not want to keep or are not in good condition
Sorting through your belongings will also ensure that you are utilizing the space in the most efficient way.
Label Everything Going into Storage
Take the time to label all the boxes and containers you plan to put in the storage unit. Especially if you are storing items from multiple rooms in the same unit.
When the renovation is complete it will save you the hassle of opening every box and trying to figure out what room it’s supposed to go in.
If you want to take it an extra step further, take note of every item that’s placed in the box and put that piece of paper on top of the packed box before you close it. The note will be the first thing you see when you open the box and might help you narrow down what area of the room these items belong.
Extra Care To Fragile Items in Storage
Just like if you were moving, wrapping any fragile items or electronics is a good way to ensure they return to your home in one piece.
Wrap any glassware or dishes in packing paper or bubble wrap before placing them into the boxes or containers.
If you are storing any TVs, monitors, or computers, wrap them in bubble wrap or paper to protect them from any scratches or damage.
Disassemble Furniture Before Moving into Storage
Once again, you want to utilize the space in your storage unit in the most efficient way.
Any furniture or bed frames that can be easily disassembled will help save some space. It will also make transporting them a lot easier.
You should also wrap these pieces to protect them from being scratched or dented during transportation.
Using Acceptable Storage In Ottawa
If you’re planning to do a home renovation in Ottawa, Acceptable Storage is the perfect place for you to store your belongings.
We offer a wide variety or storage units, with sizes and dimensions that will fit your specific storage needs. Some of our storage units are also climate-controlled to ensure the proper protection of your belongings.
Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can help you with your storage needs!