Finding Safe Storage Lockers In Ottawa

Locker Security OttawaStorage Locker Security in Ottawa

There are few feelings worse than being robbed, but having your things stolen from an allegedly secure self-storage locker adds a layer of surprise and shock to an already horrible experience. You put your belongings into the care of a business meant to specialize in protecting your things, so you put your guard down, and feel the violation all the more because of it. The fact of the matter is that storage units do get broken into, and knowing how to differentiate between secure and insecure self-storage businesses is key to feeling comfortable that your belongings are safe.


Security is More Than Just a Policy

Locker Security OttawaWhen assessing the security of storage companies, it pays to think beyond just policy. Every storage business is going to claim they are secure, but actions speak louder than words, so it is important to look for and ask about what they do to keep their customers units safe. How many cameras do they have? Are the units accessible from the outside, or within a secure compound/building? Do they have regular security patrols? Have they ever had issues with security in the past? It pays to ask and investigate these questions. Search for reviews and testimonials online, as those who have been robbed are very likely to have spoken about it online. There is no stronger determinant of security for a self-storage business than reputation, so getting an idea of a storage businesses reputation is the best thing you can do to secure your belongings and peace of mind. The longer a business has gone without a successful break-in or robbery demonstrates the total effect of all its security policies, equipment, and procedures.

Acceptable Reputation

Locker Security OttawaProviding storage units since 1963, Acceptable Storage has been in business longer than nearly any other storage business in the Ottawa area, and in all that time has earned a reputation as among the most secure storage providers in the city. With 24/7 monitoring, regular security patrols, an enclosed fence with digital locking system, and digital CCTV coverage of every unit; Acceptable Storage makes the security of your belongings our top priority. If you’re interested in a storage locker, and won’t settle for anything less than total peace-of-mind, get in touch with Acceptable Storage for among the most secure storage available in Ottawa.

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