Ottawa winters eat cars. The road salt and freeze-thaw cycles combine to create the perfect conditions for car rust, and older cars are especially vulnerable. If you own a classic car, or store any of your vehicles for the winter, consider the advantages of doing so with a heated storage unit from Acceptable Storage! Read more
There are few feelings worse than being robbed, but having your things stolen from an allegedly secure self-storage locker adds a layer of surprise and shock to an already horrible experience. You put your belongings into the care of a business meant to specialize in protecting your things, so you put your guard down, and feel the violation all the more because of it. The fact of the matter is that storage units do get broken into, and knowing how to differentiate between secure and insecure self-storage businesses is key to feeling comfortable that your belongings are safe. Read more
Ottawa is notorious for unreliable weather, and when your storage solution doesn’t accommodate in the huge swings in moisture and temperature known to take place in Ottawa’s climate, your choice of storage can be a liability. Especially in spring and fall, it can be difficult to determine exactly what season it is, with the weather swinging 10 to 20 degrees in either direction; blazing hot one week only to snap into winter the next. Read more
Once hailed as ‘Silicon Valley North’, Ottawa has been rebuilding its reputation as Canada’s hub for startups. Every day, it seems that more and more businesses are