10 Tips for Storing Your Car for the Ottawa Winter
Lower temperatures are not the only sign of winter’s approach.
There’s also the more obvious, like it’s dark at 5 pm and suddenly you find yourself wondering where your boots and snow shovel are.
It is Ottawa winter after all and there’s no use fighting it: winter is near and that means it’s time to put your prized summer wheels under wraps for the season.
Why Winter Car Storage Is a Good Idea
If you just leave your vehicle sitting out over the winter, you may discover flat tires, a dead battery and some chewed wires (at best) at the end of the season.
Winter car storage in Ottawa requires preparation. So there’s no doubt it’s worthwhile to take the steps needed to store it properly and avoid unnecessary problems. To make sure your vehicle will be ready to go in the spring, here are a few things to consider about vehicle storage.
10 Winter Storage Tips for Your Car
Here’s a list of tips that will help you prepare your vehicle to store over the winter.
It’s a good idea to wash, vacuum and perhaps even fully detail your vehicle before you store it for winter. What you want to ensure is that there are no contaminants on surfaces. Bird droppings, tree sap and even water, if left over winter, could damage the paint.
This means getting rid of road salt, grit on the exterior and possibly food particles and any debris in the interior. After washing and cleaning, make sure that everything is dry before storing. Consider using protective products, such as waxes and sealants, to preserve your paint, plastic, rubber and leather finishes.
Check out carefully where you plan to store your vehicle. It is definitely best to store your car on a concrete floor and not on the ground.
Is it protected from moisture, debris, and abrasion? Is it in a secured location? Is the temperature controlled? A sheltered, secure, dry, clean and heated environment is ideal.
To prevent moisture building up from condensation, fill up the gas tank.
Moisture can cause fuel problems, especially in older cars. Gas can also deteriorate if it’s stored for a long time, that’s why it’s a good idea to add a fuel stabilizer to your gas tank as well. It helps prevent corrosion in fuel lines and engine, as it keeps water from separating from the gas, and will preserve the fuel for up to 12 months.
If the vehicle will sit for a long time on a hard surface, you should inflate your tires to the maximum recommended pressure to keep them from getting flat spots.
If they are prone to slow leaks, try to arrange to check them periodically.
If you want to preserve the appearance of the tires, there are tire treatments to keep the rubber from oxidizing.
Consider changing the oil in your vehicle before you store, if it is time for a change. That way you’ll remove contaminants that might lead to corrosion and you’ll start out the next season with fresh oil.
It’s also a good idea to check all fluid levels, and make sure anti-freeze is topped up as well.
After you’ve topped up all the fluids in your vehicle, it’s recommended that you take it for a short drive to make sure all the fluids are circulated. You can also lubricate door, hood, and trunk hinges to prevent seizing.
After all the fluids are topped up, check for leaks and try to seal any. If there is a chance of further leaks when parked, consider some floor protection, such as cardboard or boot trays to catch any drips.
Few things could be worse than finding your vehicle won’t start in the spring. You have a couple of options to prevent this. You could disconnect the negative battery cable, but you would lose the preset settings for stereo, time and other features. This is not a good idea in newer vehicles that have engine computers, as you may lose features that could affect engine operation. The second option is to plan for a possible battery charging before restarting.
For pre-electronic vehicles, you can take the battery out. Clean and dry the battery and make sure nothing can short out the terminals. Make sure you keep the battery some place where it isn’t going to freeze or discharge (set it on wood to insulate). Again, plan to possibly charge the battery before you reinstall it.
Keeping pesky rodents out of your vehicle can be a challenge and there does not seem to be any sure-fire method. Putting mothballs around the outside of the vehicle, and dryer sheets or peppermint oil under seats and in the trunk are some suggestions. Also, placing a ball of steel wool in the exhaust pipe and the air inlet opening may help to keep invaders out. Your air filter can make a cozy nest, so it might be a good idea to completely block it.
Moisture is definitely the enemy when you are storing your vehicle for many months, especially freezing cold months. To protect against moisture, you can put a desiccant inside the car, such as silica gel (as in those little packets that arrive with all your electronics).
If you haven’t been saving them, then try a couple of open boxes of baking soda, which will also help absorb stale odours. Resist the urge to leave any windows open to keep the air circulating in your vehicle while it is stored (see Rodents).
Consider using a cover if your vehicle has a precious paint finish or convertible top or is open. Use a cover that will breathe, and not scuff or stick to the finish. You can also put something under the wiper blades, such as cloth, to keep them from sticking to the windshield.
Where to Store Your Vehicle in Ottawa
Finally, if you are ready to put your summer wheels to rest, let your insurer know about it, and write yourself a note to leave on the seat, with reminders about what to remember next spring, such as CHECK OIL! BLOCKED PIPES! NO BATTERY!
Acceptable Storage in Ottawa has facilities for winter car storage. Or, if you’re just looking to store some summer gear like car tires and other equipment, we’re your go-to for Ottawa self storage.
Dear Travel-Mor Clients,
Please note that any trailer/RV that is dropped off for service work MUST BE EMPTIED of all personal belongings. This includes floor areas, or any specific areas where we need to complete work (for example: showers/tubs, cabinetry, outside compartments, under bed storage areas, etc.)
If these areas are filled with personal items, we will refuse to work on the trailer until it has been emptied.